Monday, November 23, 2015

T3 Maths- Symmetry

Easy Blog Photo

WALT make a symmetrical shape
Signs of Success
The shape will be exactly the same along the line of symmetry

Friday, November 20, 2015

T4 Art

Easy Blog Photo

WALT : accurately draw the shape of a bird, paint the bird using the correct colours, create a realistic background

Success Criteria
*My bird is life like

*my bird is presented in a way that shows its natural habitat

"This is my Morepork".

Thursday, November 19, 2015

T4- Written English

Narrative Writing

WALT: Write a made up story using many adjectives to make it more interesting for the reader.

Success Criteria: That the reader enjoys the story and provides feedback to me on how I can make improvements.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Term 3 - Written English

Instructional Writing

Easy Blog Photo

WALT: To write instructions that are easy for the reader to follow.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I will know that I have achieved the WALT when people
can play the game, Golden Runner correctly using my instructions.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

T4 Maths- Multiplication

WALT: use maths equipment to show what a multiplication (times) equation looks like

Signs of Success
*I can say that x (times) means GROUPS OF or LOTS OF
*I can say how many lots of there are
*My equipment shows the correct number of groups
*I can skip count on the equipment to solve the problem
*I know that 3x5 looks different to 5x3 with equipment

"My animals show 5 groups of 2 rabbits (5x2)".

T4 Reading

WALT: Work out hard words in reading

Signs of Success:
*Look for chunks in the word that I know
*stretch out the sounds like bubble gum
*think about what would make sense there and start like that word

*make the beginning sound

"I am learning to see if what I am reading is true or not. If it is not true it might be a narrative".

T4 PE- Sprinting

WALT SPRINT- as part of athletics
Signs of Success
*Warm up your muscles
*Be ready with your age group
*At the start, come up to the start line hen you hear "Ready,  Set..."
*at "GO!" run as fast as you can
*Stay in your lane

When you sprint, you kind of jump from one leg to the other.

Friday, September 18, 2015

T3 Integrated Topic

Easy Blog Photo
My parachute is ready to test. I have a block for the payload.

WALT make a parachute that delivers its' payload safely to the ground.
Signs of success
*the payload drops slowly
*the payload is not too heavy

*the canopy is large enough to support the weight

T3 Maths- Symmetry

T3 Toy Making

Easy Blog Photo
I made a toy car. It has lids for wheels and a youghurt container body.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

T2 Written Language

We are learning to …
Write a recount about a time we did something special with friends.
Criteria: I know I have done this when I . . .
- write my ideas in order
- have capitals at the beginnings of sentences and for proper names
- have full stops at the end of sentences
- record some beginning, middle and end sounds in unknown words
- use some describing words
- write how I felt about it and why

- proofread my work and make some corrections to words or punctuation.

Next steps: You have written about what you did. 
Perhaps you could have put more details in about what you did at Time Zone.
Remember to put in full stops as you are writing.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

T2 Reading

We are learning to skim read a text to find specific information and summarise it in our own words.

T2 Physical Education

Learning intentionWe are learning to send and receive objects consistently

Success CriteriaI can successfully catch when I
Move in line with the ball
Stretch arms and hands to meet the ball
Cushion and absorb the ball
Explain what I am trying to do when playing Target Bounce 

 Traffic Lights

 Catch It

 Target Bounce


Thursday, May 7, 2015

T1 Statistics

Next Steps:
Collect data from something of your own choice and make up your own bar graph.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

T1 Football Coaching

We were very lucky to get some football coaching from Sport Canterbury.
The girls learnt soccer from a female coach and the boys from a male coach.
We learnt to control the ball by playing games like Sponge Bob Square Pants, Zombie tag and Rob the nest.
Then we played a game of four a-side without a goalkeeper.

T1 Writing

We are learning to...
·      write a personal recount about something we have done or experienced
·      have an opening statement that tells who, what and when
·      write the events in the order they happened

·      have a conclusion or personal response

Constable Ross

One day Constable Ross came into Room 3 and he taught us about keeping ourselves safe. And we even talked about parts of our body. I had fun and we got to play a game called Freeze. The first action was to introduce yourself to the nearest person and my first partner was Niamh, the second time, Anna-Bella was my partner. The second action was to cross hands and go and sit on the mat and let our hands go. Then we played another game called Guess My Body Parts. We had to guess and it took a long time. I felt happy because we got to play lots of new games.

Teacher comment:
You have a good beginning, middle and end. 
Next steps:
Try to add a little more detail to create a picture in the mind of the reader.

2015 Learning plan

We Are Learning To…
Fill in a Lotus sheet so that others can learn a little about ourselves.

We had to draw people so that they were not stick figures and our drawings had to be coloured carefully.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

T1 2015 - Art with Mr Shaskey

We are learning to follow instructions to draw a sketch of a person, and place the features correctly on the face.


Student voice: